Firefly Slide Show

Temp Vortex Generators on Horizontal Stabilizer

The FireFly with vortex generators on the wing likes to fly at speeds below which the horizontal tail surfaces can control pitch. On take off with the high thrust line, I hold the stick back against the stop and slowly advance the throttle to tease the plane off into the ground effect. Once the plane is off the ground it will accelerate to 40+ mphi in an eye blink. Then I can advance the throttle aggressively with out fear of blowing it back onto the ground. Adding the horizontal stabilizer vortex generators has increased stick back pressure which indicates the elevator is getting a better bite. I can be more aggressive with the throttle with out fear of a nose over.

Also, when experimenting with the use of full flaperons on final approach, the stick came back to the stop and I could not flair for a landing. The addition of these VG's may help this situation.