Luggage Compartments - Front and Back

This is looking at the front of the luggage compartment just behind the gas tank. One can see the tabs on the corners of the upper tube structure that keep the frame from falling down through the cage. Small cable clamps are used to hold the front cover corners down to the tube frame. When flying to summer EAA Chapter 453 meetings, fly ins and air shows, I place my low crown, wide brim, open weave straw hat in this compartment.

This is looking at the front of the rear luggage compartment. The reason for using the mesh is weight reduction. The flannel cloth is used to reduce inside covering surface and fuselage tube abrasion. I cool cans of soda pop and carry tie down materials in this compartment.

A side view of the rear luggage comparment to show the tab that is riveted to the center of the bottom frame on each side. A small bungee cord is connected from tab to tab after passing under the fuselage tube.